
2019年2月15日—ThelatestversionofOffice2019includesupdatesforMicrosoftWord,Excel,PowerPoint,Outlook,Project,Visio,Access,andPublisher.The ...,Office2019comeswithseveralnewfeaturesthatcustomizethevisualsofyourprojects.There'sanewlibraryofgraphicscalledIconsthatyoucanuseand ...,Home&Student:Thisretailsuiteincludesthecoreapplicationsonly–Word,Excel,PowerPoint,OneNote.·Home&Business:Thisret...

Microsoft Office 2019

2019年2月15日 — The latest version of Office 2019 includes updates for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Project, Visio, Access, and Publisher. The ...


Office 2019 comes with several new features that customize the visuals of your projects. There's a new library of graphics called Icons that you can use and ...

Microsoft Office 2019

Home & Student: This retail suite includes the core applications only – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote. · Home & Business: This retail suite includes the core ...

Microsoft Office 2019 Professional

2024年7月3日 — Outlook 2019: Manage emails, calendars, contacts, and tasks efficiently. Enhanced features include focused inbox, travel and delivery summary ...

What's New in Office 2019

In Office 2019, you'll find new inking tools, data types, functions, translation and editing tools, motion graphics, ease-of-use features, and so much more!

Office 2019 的新增功能

加入視覺震撼效果. 透過插入套用濾鏡的可縮放向量圖形(SVG),為您的文件、工作表和簡報加入視覺效果。 Word Excel PowerPoint 中的新功能.

Microsoft Office 2019 vs. 2021

2023年7月24日 — New features for Office apps · Recording of speaker videos as well as laser pointer and freehand recordings · Optimization of presentations for ...

Microsoft Office 2019 Key & Comparison Chart

Office 2019 Home & Student: Microsoft Office 2019 features new, modern versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote that are designed to help maximize your ...

Microsoft 365 vs. Office 2019

2022年12月2日 — When you buy Office 2019, you get classic Office apps such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint, for use from one device. But subscribing to Microsoft ...

AIMP 5.40.2667 介面精美功能豐富的音樂播放器

AIMP 5.40.2667 介面精美功能豐富的音樂播放器
